On May 1st 2013 I passed my driving test first time with only 3 minors in Rhyl!
I had been learning to drive since the 19th of September 2012 and had been having driving lessons mostly once a week.
As I was one of the first in my school year to turn 17 I just chose a driving instructor I had seen teaching other people in my school, after others in my year started driving I noticed that the prices I was paying for lessons were in some cases considerably steeper than other instructors were charging, and I was progressing slower in some circumstances.
I am not saying my instructor was a bad instructor because I passed and I am confident in my ability to drive safely however if I was looking to choose an instructor now I would like to see a clear lesson plan (which I am sure my instructor had but I would have liked him to share it with me) so that I could gauge my progress and estimate when I would be ready to take my test.
Whilst I was learning I got insurance on my Mum's car for a month (after I had learned all my manoeuvres etc. and all that was need was my skills to be refined) during this time I made leaps and bounds as I was being supervised by my Dad who was not going to let me have an easy ride.(being a policeman didn't help matters) Yes I did cry once but putting me under the pressure that he did has made me more confident that I can handle challenging situations myself now.
For 2 weeks before my test I didn't sleep but for some reason on the day I was really calm (total opposite of how I usually am) I think I had accepted that the only outcome was going to be a pass or fail and it was not the same as exams. Just be positive and don't listen to the horror stories. My friends had both had tests the week before mine (with the same examiner) and failed, as soon as I realised the examiner I had was the same one I panicked but it turned out he was lovely and obviously they had just had a negative experience.
Hopefully soon I will be put back on the insurance on my Mum's car so that I can gain some freedom and enjoy the adventures that will follow.
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