Sunday, 21 April 2013

My Kitty, Soxie (Photo heavy post)

You may or may not be interested - and if cats are not your thing this is not the post for you but I thought I would share with you some pictures of my cutie Soxie. She is 7 years old and I have had her since she was about 2 months. I chose her from a litter of new kittens at my uncles farm as she reminded me of my old cat.

When she was little she was very timid and used to hid behind the cupboards and come out in the dead of night for food when the coast was clear but slowly she has become the most outgoing member of our family. She is still timid with strangers but has not once to this day scratched or bitten anyone. 

You can see her eye here


Can see her eye here too


Revising with me

In her short life she has already had a few calamities, at our old house she was unfortunately run over. Her back leg was crushed and she now has no feeling in it also her hip was dislocated, the vet said that looking at her injuries she was dragged along by the car as her claws were worn down and she had shattered her jaw from knocking it on the ground! When she was born her ball and joint sockets were not deep enough so after this accident she had to have an operation to prevent her from easily dislocating her hips again.

She has also somehow managed to pierce her eyeball - either through fighting or catching it on a branch. She had to have another operation and had two buttons sewn above her eye to keep her third eyelid sewn over whilst it healed. Thankfully she can still see sufficiently with the eye although the pupil is distorted.

She means so much to me, she always seems to know when I am feeling low and need some company and she seems to understand (I am not mental okay!!) Anyway I just wanted to make this post to share how much she means to me and for my own memories!

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